/ Brand

Our New Logo

As a subsidiary of Guaranty Trust Holding Company Plc., we’ve updated our logo to reflect this milestone. While our bank is now Guaranty Trust Bank Ltd, the text on our logo has changed from GTBank to GTCO to reflect our new status as part of a financial services company. The future of financial services goes beyond banking and we’re in the forefront of providing this new range of services to our customers.

Our Brand

Guaranty Trust Bank is a friendly brand that truly cares and this permeates through every sphere of our business. We have a value system that is hinged on professionalism, ethics, integrity, and superior customer service. We maintain a culture of excellence and go to great lengths to actualize the popular phrase; The Customer Is King.

Our style of operation, staff conduct and service delivery models are built on 8 core principles aptly dubbed; The Orange Rules in line with the Bank's vibrant Orange corporate colour.

Why Orange?

  • Orange is a joyous colour
  • Orange frees and releases emotion
  • Orange evokes a feeling of warmth
  • Orange demands attention
  • Orange stimulates the mind
  • Orange indicates a person who is sociable and loves to be in the company of others; a person who has loads of energy, exciting and fun to be with.
  • Orange relates to a person who has great practical-hands on-skills.
  • Orange personalities are friendly, ready smile, respond positively and fluent if not profound in speech. They are good-natured and gregarious and do not like to be left alone.
Respect Everyone
Culture Code 1
Treating one another with dignity, kindness and empathy; creating a healthy and safe working environment.
Put Ethics over everything
Culture Code 2
Doing what we say we will do and having the courage to always do the right thing.
Work Hard
Culture Code 3
Understanding that we are best when everyone does their best, and empowering our people to take responsibility.
Think Critically
Culture Code 4
Never settling for the obvious and having an inextinguishable passion for exploring new ideas and creating new solutions.
Be Exceptional
Culture Code 5
Working, and delivering at a standard that is way above normal and better than what anyone else has imagined.
Guide Each Other
Culture Code 6
Continuously leveraging our wealth of talent, experience and expertise to guide our people and shorten the learning curve.
Stay Open
Culture Code 7
Empower our people to express themselves and welcoming all constructive views, no matter how contrary.
Stand in Trust
Culture Code 8
Trust is the foundation of our success. Our customers trust us every single day and at every interaction. We trust in ourselves and in one another.